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Countries ranking based on population (2011)
# Country Region Land Area Population Density Population Population Capital Birthrate Deathrate Migration Literacy
1 India South-central Asia 3.209.716 (km²) 333,2 1.147.996.000 21.720.000 22,01 8,18 -0,07 59,5%
2 Pakistan South-central Asia 785.320 (km²) 206,2 172.800.000 832.000 29,74 8,23 -2,77 45,7%
3 Bangladesh South-central Asia 136.305 (km²) 1023,4 154.038.000 14.251.000 29,8 8,27 -0,71 43,1%
4 Iran South-central Asia 1.590.351 (km²) 41,7 65.875.000 7.190.000 17 5,55 -0,84 79,4%
5 Afghanistan South-central Asia 634.908 (km²) 48 32.738.000 3.573.000 46,6 20,34 23,06 36%
6 Nepal South-central Asia 139.087 (km²) 192,2 28.197.000 990.000 30,98 9,31 0 45,2%
7 Uzbekistan South-central Asia 412.914 (km²) 61 27.345.000 2.201.000 26,36 7,84 -1,72 99,3%
8 Sri Lanka South-central Asia 65.830 (km²) 308,2 21.129.000 681.000 15,51 6,52 -1,31 92,3%
9 Kazakhstan South-central Asia 2.619.352 (km²) 5,6 15.341.000 650.000 16 9,42 -3,35 98,4%
10 Tajikistan South-central Asia 130.295 (km²) 51,2 7.212.000 704.000 32,65 8,25 -2,86 99,4%
11 Kyrgyzstan South-central Asia 184.763 (km²) 26,3 5.357.000 854.000 22,8 7,08 -2,45 97%
12 Turkmenistan South-central Asia 460.254 (km²) 10,3 4.829.000 637.000 27,61 8,6 -0,86 98%
13 Bhutan South-central Asia 38.040 (km²) 48,5 682.000 89.000 33,65 12,7 0 42,2%
14 Maldives South-central Asia 189 (km²) 1196,7 386.000 120.000 34,81 7,06 0 97,2%
Totals: ($m) Population Population Capital
  1.683.925.000 54.492.000.000

* GDP data is calculated in 1990 International Geary-Khamis dollars. Data from Thomson ONE Banker, Thomson Reuters Datastream, Fortune 500, Financial Times 500 and individual companies, general country, GDI and population data from UN. Historical event data is provided by:


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Where is this data from?
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"filetype:xls" and "filetype:csv" are your friends.

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